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Problem with rosbag for gazebo simulation


I am having problems opening up the rosbag file which was generated while running a differential drive robot in the wg_collada world map with a laser sensor in simulation. I used the gmapping package for making the map. (ROS Fuerte, ubuntu 12.04)

I used the command "rosbag record -a" and I was amazed at the size of the bagfile(32GB!!!!). when running rosbag play, nothing happens and the system becomes dead slow. Why was the size so big..

How do I see the content of the rosbag.

Which commands I should use to see the map in rviz again? also plotting parameters on rxbag or rqt?

Please help

Asked by Vegeta on 2013-11-26 21:56:52 UTC


Your bag file is that big because you recorded everything (-a option).

Asked by BennyRe on 2013-11-26 22:57:28 UTC

Its taking too long to load the rosbag in rqt_bag even though my system is pretty high configuration (core i7, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX660). And the rqt pluggin hangs every time. Any suggestions??

Asked by Vegeta on 2013-12-03 02:01:32 UTC
