rviz camera
Hi! I need help. Can you tell me how to visualize the camera image on rviz?
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Hi! I need help. Can you tell me how to visualize the camera image on rviz?
answered 2011-06-06 03:13:32 -0500
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you will have to add a display to show images. after you have done so it should show an interface where you can select the topic. after selecting the right topic it should show a window, in which your image should be shown. the link provide by lakshmen contains a clear explanation how to do this.
I can select the topic that publish my node, but I cant see any image. I can see this on rviz Displays: Global Options -> Fixed Frame: /camera. Global satatus: No tf data. Actual error: Fixed Frame [/camera] does not exist. Camera status: warning -> CameraInfo: No CameraInfo received on [/camera_info]; Image: No image image received
I read it. I execute camera node using image_transport::Publisher, that publish an sensor_msgs::Image. I have to configure something on rviz? topic is the name that I used ti publish images from camera?
Have a look at this. http://www.ros.org/wiki/rviz/UserGuide You need to add a Camera display.
Asked: 2011-06-05 21:22:41 -0500
Seen: 7,453 times
Last updated: Jun 09 '11
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