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1 | initial version |
2 | No.2 Revision |
This and this answers may help.
3 | No.3 Revision |
This and this answers may help.
EDIT: Just tried it myself and it seems to work.
In your case it might be 'simplier' since you are already building everything from source.
Nevertheless here are the steps to reproduce it with Groovy on Ubuntu. In my case there are existing catkin workspace (~/catkin_ws
) and rosbuild overlays (~/rosbuild
) on top of it. Since catkin cannot overlay rosbuild (to the best of my knowledge) we have to underlay new workspace to the ~/catkin_ws
Create a separate workspace for perception_pcl
# Source the root workspace
# The path is correct for Ubuntu and may differ for other distributions
$ source /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash
# Create catkin overlay
$ mkdir -p ~/pcl_ws/src && cd ~/pcl_ws/src
Clone perception_pcl
and checkout groovy-unstable-devel
$ git clone -b groovy-unstable
Build the workspace
$ cd .. && catkin_make_isolated
Source it
$ source ~/pcl_ws/devel_isolated/setup.bash
Now we have to overlay old ~/catkin_ws
on ~/pcl_ws
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
# Delete old build directories
$ rm -rf build devel
# Re-create workspace
$ catkin_make
Finally, source rosbuild workspace
$ source ~/rosbuild_ws/setup.bash
4 | No.4 Revision |
This and this answers may help.
EDIT: Just tried it myself and it seems to work.
In your case it might be 'simplier' since you are already building everything from source.
Nevertheless here are the steps to reproduce it with Groovy on Ubuntu. In my case there are existing catkin workspace (~/catkin_ws
) and rosbuild overlays (
) ~/rosbuild_ws, on top of ~/rosbuildit. catkin) overlays. Since catkin cannot overlay rosbuild (to the best of my knowledge) we have to underlay new workspace to the ~/catkin_ws
Create a separate workspace for perception_pcl
# Source the root workspace
# The path is correct for Ubuntu and may differ for other distributions
$ source /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash
# Create catkin overlay
$ mkdir -p ~/pcl_ws/src && cd ~/pcl_ws/src
Clone perception_pcl
and checkout groovy-unstable-devel
$ git clone -b groovy-unstable
Build the workspace
$ cd .. && catkin_make_isolated
Source it
$ source ~/pcl_ws/devel_isolated/setup.bash
Now we have to overlay old ~/catkin_ws
on ~/pcl_ws
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
# Delete old build directories
$ rm -rf build devel
# Re-create workspace
$ catkin_make
Finally, source rosbuild workspace
$ source ~/rosbuild_ws/setup.bash
5 | No.5 Revision |
This and this answers may help.
EDIT: Just tried it myself and it seems to work.
In your case it might be 'simplier' since you are already building everything from source.
Nevertheless here are the steps to reproduce it with Groovy on Ubuntu. In my case there are existing catkin (~/catkin_ws
) and rosbuild (~/rosbuild_ws
, on top of catkin) overlays. Since catkin cannot overlay rosbuild (to the best of my knowledge) we have to underlay new workspace to the ~/catkin_ws
Create a separate workspace for perception_pcl
# Source the root workspace
# The path is correct for Ubuntu and may differ for other distributions
$ source /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash
# Create catkin overlay
$ mkdir -p ~/pcl_ws/src && cd ~/pcl_ws/src
Clone perception_pcl
and checkout groovy-unstable-devel
$ git clone -b groovy-unstable groovy-unstable-devel
Build the workspace
$ cd .. && catkin_make_isolated
Source it
$ source ~/pcl_ws/devel_isolated/setup.bash
Now we have to overlay old ~/catkin_ws
on ~/pcl_ws
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
# Delete old build directories
$ rm -rf build devel
# Re-create workspace
$ catkin_make
Finally, source rosbuild workspace
$ source ~/rosbuild_ws/setup.bash