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Make sure env var LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains /opt/ros/groovy/lib. If not, check all setup scripts you're using to see if LD_LIBRARY_PATH gets overwritten after ROSsetup.bash` is called.

Make sure env var LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains /opt/ros/groovy/lib. If not, check all setup scripts you're using to see if LD_LIBRARY_PATH gets overwritten after ROSROS' setup.bashsetup.bash` is called.

Make sure env var that environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains /opt/ros/groovy/lib. If not, check all setup scripts you're using to see if LD_LIBRARY_PATH gets overwritten after ROS' setup.bash is called.

Make sure that environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains /opt/ros/groovy/lib. (where the related dynamic library files are stored). If not, check all setup scripts you're using to see if LD_LIBRARY_PATH gets overwritten after ROS' setup.bash is called.