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1 | initial version |
I did not get it to work with OpenNI either but OpenNI2 works with some minor changes. It should compile out of the box from my repo:
I also wrote an openni2_camera package which runs on the raspberry and can stream the depth image as a ROS message with 30fps (when overclocked)
2 | No.2 Revision |
I did not get it to work with OpenNI either but OpenNI2 works with some minor changes. It should compile out of the box from my repo:
repo using make:
I also wrote an openni2_camera package which runs on the raspberry and can stream the depth image as a ROS message with 30fps (when overclocked)
After building OpenNI2 successfully and catkin_make ran through, navigate into OpenNI2/Bin/ReleaseX and call rosrun openni2_camera openni2_camera_node from here. Otherwise it will not find the Openni2 libraries