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initial version

ROS_DISTRO gets set by roslib:

As catkin is ROS agnostic, the responsibility for setting all ROS related environment variables is isolated into environment hooks which live in roslib and are picked up by catkin. Therefore, a workspace without roslib in it will not produce ROS variables.

ROS_DISTRO gets set by roslib:

As catkin is ROS agnostic, the responsibility for setting all ROS related environment variables is isolated into environment hooks which live in roslib and are picked up by catkin. Therefore, a workspace without roslib in it will not produce ROS variables.


Sorry, I misread your question, ROS_DISTRO should getting set to hydro, but we have not update that line in the roslib version for hydro.

I opened a ticket about it here:

I jumped to conclusions when I saw "empty workspace", my bad.