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1 | initial version |
Remap is for topics.
To bring up reconfigure_gui connected to that particular node, pass the node name as a command line argument:
<node pkg="dynamic_reconfigure" type="testserver" name="reconfigure_gui"
args="camera1394_nodelet" />
That should be equivalent to this command line:
$ rosrun dynamic_reconfigure reconfigure_gui camera1394_nodelet
2 | fix error in answer |
Remap is for topics.
To bring up reconfigure_gui connected to that particular node, pass the node name as a command line argument:
<node pkg="dynamic_reconfigure" type="testserver" name="reconfigure_gui"
type="reconfigure_gui" name="camera_gui"
args="camera1394_nodelet" />
That should be equivalent to this command line:
$ rosrun dynamic_reconfigure reconfigure_gui camera1394_nodelet