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initial version

This was a bug in rosws. update rosinstall (via-apt get) to 0.6.22, and run rosws regenerate in your rosbuild workspace. the changed should now include your catkin packages in the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.

This was a bug in rosws. update rosinstall (via-apt get) to 0.6.22, and run rosws regenerate in your rosbuild workspace. the changed should now include your catkin packages in the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.

EDIT: Sorry, did not read your question careful enough. REP128 is not correct (and still work in progress). A tutorial on how to have a rosbuild workspace on top of a vatkin workspace is here:

So what you have to do is when you create your rosbuild workspace, you tell rosws which catkin workspace you want to overlay (Else it cannot know). So instead of calling:

rosws init . /opt/ros/groovy


rosws init . $HOME/ros-groovy/devel/

The same can be done later with rosws merge, but at the risk of having the catkin workspace at the wrong place in the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.

This was a bug in rosws. update rosinstall (via-apt get) to 0.6.22, and run rosws regenerate in your rosbuild workspace. the changed should now include your catkin packages in the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.

EDIT: Sorry, did not read your question careful enough. REP128 is not correct (and still work in progress). A tutorial on how to have a rosbuild workspace on top of a vatkin catkin workspace is here:

So what you have to do is when you create your rosbuild workspace, you tell rosws which catkin workspace you want to overlay (Else it cannot know). So instead of calling:

rosws init . /opt/ros/groovy


rosws init . $HOME/ros-groovy/devel/

The same can be done later with rosws merge, but at the risk of having the catkin workspace at the wrong place in the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.