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I would try to prepare correct launchers and then use launch API to start the chosen node with its launch file in the service call (rather than topic subscriber callback).

One thing for sure needs to be mentioned - you don't want to use roslaunch, it's a ROS1 version of launcher. You want to use ros2 launch <your-package> <your-launch-file>.

Example sources for writing launchers:



One of the other suggested approach to user - ROS2 interaction interface is presented here (QML):



Perhaps you can check it and see how the inner code is working and compare it to your ideas.

I would try to prepare correct launchers and then use launch API to start the chosen node with its launch file in the service call (rather than topic subscriber callback).

One thing for sure needs to be mentioned - you don't want to use roslaunch, it's a ROS1 version of launcher. You want to use ros2 launch <your-package> <your-launch-file>.

Example sources for writing launchers:



  • - launch documentation

One of the other suggested approach to user - ROS2 interaction interface is presented here (QML):



Perhaps you can check it and see how the inner code is working and compare it to your ideas.