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Please take a look at this repository:
This repository contains a .travis.yml file for setting up continuous integration (through Travis-CI) for any ROS package.
This repository also contains several example (i.e. trivial) ROS packages that serve as example packages for Travis to build and test. They also showcase how to correctly handle dependencies (system and source).
With regards to best practices, there are many Travis-CI best practices blog posts out there, unfourtunatley not ROS specific. One example:
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Please take a look at this repository:
This repository contains a .travis.yml file for setting up continuous integration (through Travis-CI) for any ROS package.
This repository also contains several example (i.e. trivial) ROS packages that serve as example packages for Travis to build and test. They also showcase how to correctly handle dependencies (system and source).
With regards to best practices, there are many Travis-CI best practices blog posts out there, unfourtunatley not ROS specific. One example:
I hope these resources help you.