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Thank you for the clear and detailed question.
My first suggestion is that you need to get rid of the rejection_threshold
parameters. Get everything working roughly how you want, and then introduce those parameters to handle outlier rejection, if that's necessary.
Now, I see the following issues:
) is _odom_fil_. However, your visual odometry data is in the frame _/odom_ (side note: get rid of the forward slash there; tf2
won't like it). But I don't see a transform specified anywhere from _odom_fil_->_odom_. The EKF won't be able to use your VO pose data without that transform.Y
linear acceleration wouldn't be -9.81. A neutrally-mounted IMU should have a Z
acceleration of +9.81. So you either need to fix your IMU data, or provide a transform from _base_link_ -> _imu_, and change the frame ID in your IMU data.2 | No.2 Revision |
Thank you for the clear and detailed question.
My first suggestion is that you need to get rid of the rejection_threshold
parameters. Get everything working roughly how you want, and then introduce those parameters to handle outlier rejection, if that's necessary.
Now, I see the following issues:
) is tf2
won't like it). But I don't see a transform specified anywhere from Y
linear acceleration wouldn't be -9.81. A neutrally-mounted IMU should have a Z
acceleration of +9.81. So you either need to fix your IMU data, or provide a transform from