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This become an not only anoying but a reliable issue I think? When doing test when I want to interupt the test (before the programing running finished) simply using Ctrl+C can terminate the program but TB3 are keeping moving (at the last cmd_vel sent to it I guess). Search around there is no native solution, some post give some python code and I don't fully understand and no time to study.. It is so disappoint that such a basic feature can not be done within some simple way, like a watch-dog feature which is so common for a iot device..

This become an becomes not only an anoying but a reliable issue I think?

When doing test when I want to interupt the test (before the programing running finished) simply using Ctrl+C can terminate the program but TB3 are keeping moving (at the last cmd_vel control twist message sent to it cmd_vel I guess). guess).

Search around there is no native solution, some post give [post]( gave some python code and I don't fully understand and no time to study.. It is so disappoint that such a basic feature can not be done within some simple way, like a watch-dog feature which is so common for a iot device..

This becomes not only an anoying but a reliable issue I think?

When doing test when I want to interupt the test (before the programing running finished) simply using Ctrl+C can terminate the program but TB3 are keeping moving (at the last control twist message sent to cmd_vel I guess).

Search around there is no native solution, some [post]( gave some python code and I don't fully understand and no time to study.. study..

It is so disappoint disappointed that such a basic feature can not be done within some simple way, like a watch-dog feature which is so common for a iot device..