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I had a similar problem with a package i created using the catkin_create_pkg tool. here's what i did: 1. erase all the folders and files in your catkin_ws except "src" 2. build your catkin_ws (catkin_make or catkin build whatever you use) 3. go to ~/catkin_ws/devel and find your setup.bash file (the point is to just make sure you know the path to this file) 4. go to your home folder, ctr+h to see hidden files, open the .bashrc file and at the end add "source [path to the setup file from step 3] 5. close your terminal, open it again and now your packages in the catkin_ws/src should be registered.
hope i helped somebody
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I had a similar problem with a package i created using the catkin_create_pkg tool. here's what i did:
1. did:
hope i helped somebody