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Is it even possible to do this on Windows?
If this is about ROS1 (which I assume it is, seeing as you tagged with kinetic
) then you've just selected a very difficult set of variables here.
ROS1 on Windows is (currently) not supported. And that is on amd64
Windows on ARM is something else, and ROS1 on Windows on ARM is not something I would attempt right now.
If you must use Windows, perhaps you could see whether you can get things to work with ROS2.
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Is it even possible to do this on Windows?
If this is about ROS1 (which I assume it is, seeing as you tagged with kinetic
) then you've just selected a very difficult set of variables here.
ROS1 on Windows is (currently) not supported. And supported (there was some support years ago, and that is was on x86).amd64
Windows on ARM is something else, and ROS1 on Windows on ARM is not something I would attempt right now.
If you must use Windows, perhaps you could see whether you can get things to work with ROS2.
3 | No.3 Revision |
Is it even possible to do this on Windows?
If this is about ROS1 (which I assume it is, seeing as you tagged with kinetic
) then you've just selected a very difficult set of variables here.
ROS1 on Windows is (currently) not supported (there was some support years ago, and but that was on x86).
Windows on ARM is something else, and ROS1 on Windows on ARM is not something I would attempt right now.
If you must use Windows, perhaps you could see whether you can get things to work with ROS2.
Edit: I haven't checked, but I don't believe WSL is supported on Windows on ARM, so that also wouldn't work.
4 | No.4 Revision |
Is it even possible to do this on Windows?
If this is about ROS1 (which I assume it is, seeing as you tagged with kinetic
) then you've just selected a very difficult set of variables here.
ROS1 on Windows is (currently) not supported (there was some support years ago, but that was on x86).
Windows on ARM is something else, and ROS1 on Windows on ARM is not something I would attempt right now.
If you must use Windows, perhaps you could see whether you can get things to work with ROS2.
I am quite new in ROS and I already have some difficulties
my suggestion: get a good dualboot going with Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 on your Windows machine or install ROS natively on your Pi. That is going to be a much better environment for learning ROS. I would not recommend starting out with learning something new on an unsupported platform. You'll be wrestling with build issues and other non-working things instead of actually learning ROS.
Edit: I haven't checked, but I don't believe WSL is supported on Windows on ARM, so that also wouldn't work.