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Yes, I did look into that, but they are pulling the information out of http website requests and parsing the site afterwards (total overkill and dead slow). That also means that there is no ROS stuff actually running on the WRT.

But thanks for the suggestion. I am kind of unwilling to hack the ROS stack into a few C++ files myself so I might end up with something like that :)

I also recognized the rosbridge package which sounds like an interesting alternative.

Yes, I did look into that, but they are pulling the information out of http website requests and parsing the site afterwards (total overkill and dead slow). That also means that there is no ROS stuff actually running on the WRT.

But thanks for the suggestion. I am kind of unwilling to hack the ROS stack into a few C++ files myself so I might end up with something like that :)

I also recognized the rosbridge rosbridge package which sounds like an interesting alternative.