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The az3_* files use the old code and map_assembler
is not required. I recommend to follow the Remote Mapping tutorial instead. To use robot odometry with this tutorial, the remote computer could launch:
$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros rtabmap.launch \
rgb_topic:=/camera/data_throttled_image \
depth_topic:=/camera/data_throttled_image_depth \
camera_info_topic:=/camera/data_throttled_camera_info \
compressed:=true \
rtabmap_args:="--delete_db_on_start" \
visual_odometry:=false \
odom_topic:=/odom \
While you are receiving all topics separately, lags on network and different frame rates can affect the ability to remote nodes (e.g., rtabmap) to correctly synchronize the topics. You may check the rate of the topics that rtabmap is subscribed to with rostopic hz
. If some topics are at 50 Hz while other are at 3 Hz, rtabmap won't be able to synchronize them by default. The queue_size
parameter should be increased (default 10). You can also throttle the topics on robot side so they are all published at the same rate (this can save network bandwidth at the same time).