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Finally I managed to solve it!!
The first problem is solved running it using sudo, I suppose is because the program is in opt and some permissions might be unset.
To solve Kits problems I reinstalled qt several times, until I realized that the configuration was always the same, so I deleted ~/.config/QtProject folder. I assume that having different Qt, installing, un-installing, maybe I touched something I shouldn't.
When I deleted configuration and run it again, there was only 1 kit and everything is set up properly. But building made the same error:
16:37:49: Running steps for project catkin_ws... 16:37:49: Could not start process "catkin_make" --cmake-args -G 'CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles' Error while building/deploying project catkin_ws (kit: Imported Kit) When executing step "CatkinMake Step" 16:37:50: Elapsed time: 00:01.
To solve this, just go to your workspace and run manually "catkin_make --cmake-args -G 'CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles' "
After doing it for first time, you will be able to do it using Qt.
I just figured out these things trying and trying, but I don't have a clear idea of what's going on. So if anybody has any comment on this, it will be welcome!