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Officially this is not supported, so there are no binary packages available (but you are probably already aware of this, see also REP-3).

A source install could be possible, but is not guaranteed to work, as dependencies may have changed between Zesty and Artful. As for instructions: see wiki/lunar/Installation/Source (replace occurences of zesty in commands with artful where needed).

Officially this is not supported, so there are no binary packages available (but you are probably already aware of this, see also REP-3).

A source install could be possible, but is not guaranteed to work, as dependencies may have changed between Zesty and Artful. As for instructions: see wiki/lunar/Installation/Source (replace occurences of zesty in commands with artful where needed).

Edit: as I was curious myself, I just did this in an Artful Docker container. I basically followed the Lunar source instructions (so for 17.04), but had to make some minor changes to some commands.

As rosdep doesn't have any artful entries yet, pretend it's really zesty (under Resolving dependencies) (added the --skip-keys to avoid trying to reinstall rosdep again):

rosdep install --from-paths src -i --rosdistro=lunar --os ubuntu:zesty -y --skip-keys="python-rosdep"

To be able to install shiboken2 and related pkgs, add the OSRF repositories following the instructions (artful appears to be missing dirmngr, which made apt-key fail, so install it dirmngr with apt (see also #q275824 and #q264654)).

After that I could follow the regular instructions again.

The build is still running, so I don't know whether it works, but it would seem to at least compile for now.

Officially this is not supported, so there are no binary packages available (but you are probably already aware of this, see also REP-3).

A source install could be possible, but is not guaranteed to work, as dependencies may have changed between Zesty and Artful. As for instructions: see wiki/lunar/Installation/Source (replace occurences of zesty in commands with artful where needed).

Edit: as I was curious myself, I just did this in an Artful Docker container. I basically followed the Lunar source instructions (so for 17.04), but had to make some minor changes to some commands.

As rosdep doesn't have any artful entries yet, pretend it's really zesty (under Resolving dependencies) (added the --skip-keys to avoid trying to reinstall rosdep again):

rosdep install --from-paths src -i --rosdistro=lunar --os ubuntu:zesty -y --skip-keys="python-rosdep"

To be able to install shiboken2 and related pkgs, add the OSRF repositories following the instructions (artful appears to be missing dirmngr, which made apt-key fail, so install it dirmngr with apt (see also #q275824 and #q264654)).

After that I could follow the regular instructions again.

The build is still running, so I don't know whether it works, but it would seem to at least compile for now.

Edit: build just finished, no really significant problems afaict. roscore started, but haven't tested anything else.

Officially this is not supported, so there are no binary packages available (but you are probably already aware of this, see also REP-3).

A source install could be possible, but is not guaranteed to work, as dependencies may have changed between Zesty and Artful. As for instructions: see wiki/lunar/Installation/Source (replace occurences of zesty in commands with artful where needed).

Edit: as I was curious myself, I just did this in an Artful Docker container. I basically followed the Lunar source instructions (so for 17.04), but had to make some minor changes to some commands.

As rosdep doesn't have any artful entries yet, pretend it's really zesty (under Resolving dependencies) (added the --skip-keys to avoid trying to reinstall rosdep again):

rosdep install --from-paths src -i --rosdistro=lunar --os ubuntu:zesty -y --skip-keys="python-rosdep"

To be able to install shiboken2 and related pkgs, add the OSRF repositories following the instructions (artful appears to be missing dirmngr, which made apt-key fail, so install it dirmngr with apt (see also #q275824 and #q264654)).

After that I could follow the regular instructions again.

The build is still running, so I don't know whether it works, but it would seem to at least compile for now.

Edit: Edit2: build just finished, no really significant problems afaict. roscore started, but haven't tested anything else.

Edit3: after building, you probably want to add export ROS_OS_OVERRIDE=ubuntu:17.04:zesty to your .bashrc (or similar file). At least until rosdep gets its rules updated for artful.