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I had a similar problem, and my solution was to create a bash file, where I created different tabs and launch nodes or launch files in each one of them. I used gnome-terminal and had to add some sleeps in order to wait for the simulator to start running, but maybe you can also use them in the launch prefix. Here are the contents of the bash file.

   echo "Launching: roscore"
   gnome-terminal --window --maximize -x sh -c "roscore; exit"
   sleep 2
   rosparam set /prediction_time 10.0
   echo "Launching: stage_and_maps.launch"
   gnome-terminal --window --maximize -x sh -c "roslaunch stage_and_maps.launch; exit"
   echo "Waiting 10s left"
   sleep 10
   echo "Launching: prediction.launch"
   gnome-terminal --tab --maximize -x sh -c "roslaunch prediction.launch; exit"

Hope it helps!!
