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I'm not aware of any C++ version of a rosbag
library that is Windows compatible -- other than the one that ROS comes with and would require "going through the whole installation process" (but then on Windows) -- but if Java is acceptable then you could take a look at swri-robotics/bag-reader-java.
You could also just take the swri-robotics
classes and reimplement a C++ version.
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I'm not aware of any C++ version of a rosbag
library that is Windows compatible -- other than the one that ROS comes with and would require "going through the whole installation process" (but then on Windows) -- but if Java is acceptable then you could take a look at swri-robotics/bag-reader-java.
You could also just take the swri-robotics
classes and reimplement a C++ version.
Edit: the main thing here is rosbag_storage, which is a plain C++ library, but with a set of ROS dependencies. With some work it could potentially be ported to Windows, but that's probably more work than you're willing to do.