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1 | initial version |
Isn't there already an implementation somewhere to extract left and right images with identical timestamps from a rosbag? This seems quite a basic thing that should be part of ROS, given how much stereo cameras are used nowadays in robotics.
If someone has such a node, can it be shared please?
I can write my own I guess, but maybe someone else has a good implementation for this and sharing it would make life easier for me and many other ROS users.
2 | No.2 Revision |
Isn't there already an implementation somewhere to extract left and right images with identical timestamps from a rosbag? This seems quite a basic thing that should be part of ROS, given how much stereo cameras are used nowadays in robotics.
If someone has such a node, can it be shared please?
I can write my own I guess, but maybe someone else has a good implementation for this and sharing it would make life easier for me and many other ROS users.
-------------------------------------- EDIT -------------------------------------------------
After googling around a bit I have found two possible solutions that are already available to extract synched stereo_pairs from a rosbag.
Method 1) Use the rospy node that comes inside image_view from the image_pipeline. It can be run with
rosrun image_view extract_images_sync _inputs:='[/camera/left/image_raw,/camera/right/image_raw]'
Just modify the topic names and the rospy node according to your needs.
Method 2) Use this package
It has some nice tools for working with rosbags acquired with stereo_cameras.
I hope this can be helpful to other ROS users!