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If anyone is still looking for an answer, I think currently the most elegant solution is:

        <include file="local_nodes.launch" />

            <machine name="remote_machine" address="" default="true" />
            <include file="remote_nodes.launch" />

Tested with ROS kinectic on Ubuntu 16.04.

If anyone is still looking for an answer, I think currently the most elegant solution is:is:

        <include file="local_nodes.launch" />

            <machine name="remote_machine" address="" default="true" />
            <include file="remote_nodes.launch" />

Tested with ROS kinectic Kinectic on Ubuntu 16.04.

Edit: Apparently the machine tag doesn't apply to a specific group, but to any nodes/includes that come after it. So the order in which the tags are defined is important!