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I don't really see any difference between the two cases you give us (both are installed system wide by the apt package manager, they're not 'setup' by ROS nor Gazebo).

On Debian/Ubuntu, you could use something like dpkg -S <name_of_the_file> to find both the package name and the location of the file. In your case:

dpkg -S`

Alternatively, you could use a command like locate, which should give you the location as well (but it depends on whether the db has been updated).

To find out what files were installed by apt for a specific package, you could use:

dpkg -L libgazebo6-dev

you could add | grep .so to find just the shared libraries, or | grep lib to find all occurrences of lib in the listing.

PS: note that this is not a ROS-specific problem, but rather a question about interacting with the apt package manager on a Debian/Ubuntu system.

I don't really see any difference between the two cases you give us (both are installed system wide system-wide by the apt package manager, they're not 'setup' by ROS nor Gazebo).

On Debian/Ubuntu, you could use something like dpkg -S <name_of_the_file> to find both the package name and the location of the file. In your case:

dpkg -S`

Alternatively, you could use a command like locate, which should give you the location as well (but it depends on whether the db has been updated).

To find out what files were installed by apt for a specific package, you could use:

dpkg -L libgazebo6-dev

you could add | grep .so to find just the shared libraries, or | grep lib to find all occurrences of lib in the listing.

PS: note that this is not a ROS-specific problem, but rather a question about interacting with the apt package manager on a Debian/Ubuntu system.

I don't really see any difference between the two cases you give us (both are installed system-wide by the apt package manager, they're not 'setup' by ROS nor Gazebo).

On Debian/Ubuntu, you could use something like dpkg -S <name_of_the_file> to find both the package name and the location of the file. In your case:

dpkg -S`

Alternatively, you could use a command like locate, which should give you the location as well (but it depends on whether the db has been updated).

To find out what files were installed by apt for a specific package, you could use:

dpkg -L libgazebo6-dev

you could add | grep .so to find just the shared libraries, or | grep lib to find all occurrences of lib in the listing.

PS: note that this is not a ROS-specific problem, but rather a question about interacting with the apt package manager on a Debian/Ubuntu system.