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initial version
  1. you can try bridged mode for your virtual machine, or set : copy physical setting to virtual machine,
  2. after setting and connecting ok, disconnect your local network, and then re-active, leave your virtual alive.
  1. you can try bridged mode for your virtual machine, or set : copy physical setting to virtual machine,
  2. after setting and connecting ok, disconnect your local network, and then re-active, leave your virtual alive.alive. your local network setting sometimes will impact the vm setting.
  1. you can try bridged mode for your virtual machine, or set : copy physical setting to virtual machine,
  2. after setting and connecting ok, disconnect your local network, and then re-active, leave your virtual alive. your local network setting sometimes will impact the vm setting.setting. I'm sure it's your setting env problem, because I'm using well through vm.