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1 | initial version |
You have to set all frame-names according to your robot setup. In your tf-tree the laser frame is called "laser", so you have to set the parameter "laser_frame" in the ros.yaml parameter file from nav2d to just "laser".
2 | No.2 Revision |
You have to set all frame-names according to your robot setup. In your tf-tree the laser frame is called "laser", so you have to set the parameter "laser_frame" in the ros.yaml parameter file from nav2d to just "laser".
Edit: It looks like you are defining a footprint somewhere that is not correct. As the operator can only handle robot radius (as defined in costmap.yaml), you should check your yaml files and remove this definition. "rosparam list" might also be helpful.
But actually I don't think that this is really your problem. This all happens within the Operator and from your screenshot it seems to be fine. (blue and green trajectory indicator are there) Are there any other error messages? Have you visualized the /scan topic to see if it contains useful data?
In general, I would suggest to follow the tutorials step by step, so: 1. Add Operator, check that costmap is there and the robot can move safely. 2. Add Mapper, check that a global map is build and localization is good 3. Add Navigator, check navigation and autonomous exploration
3 | No.3 Revision |
You have to set all frame-names according to your robot setup. In your tf-tree the laser frame is called "laser", so you have to set the parameter "laser_frame" in the ros.yaml parameter file from nav2d to just "laser".
It looks like you are defining a footprint somewhere that is not correct. As the operator can only handle robot radius (as defined in costmap.yaml), you should check your yaml files and remove this definition. "rosparam list" might also be helpful.
But actually I don't think that this is really your problem. This all happens within the Operator and from your screenshot it seems to be fine. (blue and green trajectory indicator are there) Are there any other error messages? Have you visualized the /scan topic to see if it contains useful data?
In general, I would suggest to follow the tutorials step by step, so: 1. Add Operator, check that costmap is there and the robot can move safely. 2. Add Mapper, check that a global map is build and localization is good 3. Add Navigator, check navigation and autonomous exploration
4 | No.4 Revision |
You have to set all frame-names according to your robot setup. In your tf-tree the laser frame is called "laser", so you have to set the parameter "laser_frame" in the ros.yaml parameter file from nav2d to just "laser".
It looks like you are defining a footprint somewhere that is not correct. As the operator can only handle robot radius (as defined in costmap.yaml), you should check your yaml files and remove this definition. "rosparam list" might also be helpful.
But actually I don't think that this is really your problem. This all happens within the Operator and from your screenshot it seems to be fine. (blue and green trajectory indicator are there) Are there any other error messages? Have you visualized the /scan topic to see if it contains useful data?
In general, I would suggest to follow the tutorials step by step, so:
1. so: