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initial version

My header file :

#ifndef rqt_mypkg__my_plugin_H
#define rqt_mypkg__my_plugin_H

#include <rqt_gui_cpp/plugin.h>
#include <rqt_mypkg/ui_my_plugin.h>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QString>
#include <QList>

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include <std_msgs/Int8.h>

namespace rqt_mypkg {

class MyPlugin
  : public rqt_gui_cpp::Plugin
  virtual void initPlugin(qt_gui_cpp::PluginContext& context);
  virtual void shutdownPlugin();
  virtual void saveSettings(qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings) const;
  virtual void restoreSettings(const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings);

  // Comment in to signal that the plugin has a way to configure it
  //bool hasConfiguration() const;
  //void triggerConfiguration();

  Ui::MyPluginWidget ui_;
  QWidget* widget_;

  ros::NodeHandle ros_node_handle_;
  ros::Publisher my_publisher_;
  ros::Subscriber my_suscriber_;

public Q_SLOTS:

  virtual void publier();
  virtual void outputVal(double val);

  int valeur;

} // namespace
#endif // rqt_mypkg_my_plugin_H

My cpp file :

#include "rqt_mypkg/my_plugin.h"
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
#include "ros/ros.h"

#include <QStringList>
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <std_msgs/Int8.h>

namespace rqt_mypkg {

  : rqt_gui_cpp::Plugin()
  , widget_(0)
  // Constructor is called first before initPlugin function, needless to say.

  // give QObjects reasonable names

void MyPlugin::initPlugin(qt_gui_cpp::PluginContext& context)
  // access standalone command line arguments
  QStringList argv = context.argv();
  // create QWidget
  widget_ = new QWidget();
  // extend the widget with all attributes and children from UI file
  // add widget to the user interface

connect(ui_.m_hSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(outputVal(int)));

connect(ui_.m_bouton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(publier()));


void MyPlugin::outputVal (int val)
  value = val;

void MyPlugin::publier ()

 my_publisher_ = ros_node_handle_.advertise<std_msgs::Int8>("chatter", 1000);
  if (ros::ok() && my_publisher_)
      // below it is to wait forsubscriber. Otherwise the first publication will not be heard by the subscriber. 
      ros::Rate poll_rate(100);
      while(my_publisher_.getNumSubscribers() == 0)

      // I create my message 
      std_msgs::Int8 msg; = value




void MyPlugin::shutdownPlugin()

void MyPlugin::saveSettings(qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings) const

void MyPlugin::restoreSettings(const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings)

} // namespace
PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS(rqt_mypkg, MyPlugin, rqt_mypkg::MyPlugin, rqt_gui_cpp::Plugin)

My ui file, my_plugin.ui :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ui version="4.0">
 <widget class="QWidget" name="MyPluginWidget">
  <property name="geometry">
  <property name="windowTitle">
  <widget class="QSlider" name="m_hSlider">
   <property name="geometry">
   <property name="orientation">
  <widget class="QLCDNumber" name="m_lcd">
   <property name="geometry">
  <widget class="QPushButton" name="m_bouton">
   <property name="geometry">
   <property name="text">
    <hint type="sourcelabel">
    <hint type="destinationlabel">

My subscriber file, receveur.cpp :

#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include "rqt_mypkg/my_plugin.h"
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int8.h>

void chatterCallback(const std_msgs::Int8 msg)
  ROS_INFO("I heard: [%d]",;

int main(int argc, char **argv)

  ros::init(argc, argv, "receveur");
  ros::NodeHandle ros_node_handle_;

 ros::Subscriber my_subscriber_ = ros_node_handle_.subscribe("chatter", 1000, chatterCallback);


  return 0;

I finally succeeded. Here are my different files, I hope it will help some users. In fact I had to create a SLOT, in which one I put a publisher to send a message containing a value. This publisher is made in the same way than in the tutorial. The subscriber is in another file and made following the tutorial too. In the cpp file my_plugin.cpp, you can add everything you want to design your Qt interface, like new signals, slots, layout...

My header file :

#ifndef rqt_mypkg__my_plugin_H
#define rqt_mypkg__my_plugin_H

#include <rqt_gui_cpp/plugin.h>
#include <rqt_mypkg/ui_my_plugin.h>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QString>
#include <QList>

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include <std_msgs/Int8.h>

namespace rqt_mypkg {

class MyPlugin
  : public rqt_gui_cpp::Plugin
  virtual void initPlugin(qt_gui_cpp::PluginContext& context);
  virtual void shutdownPlugin();
  virtual void saveSettings(qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings) const;
  virtual void restoreSettings(const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings);

  // Comment in to signal that the plugin has a way to configure it
  //bool hasConfiguration() const;
  //void triggerConfiguration();

  Ui::MyPluginWidget ui_;
  QWidget* widget_;

  ros::NodeHandle ros_node_handle_;
  ros::Publisher my_publisher_;
  ros::Subscriber my_suscriber_;

public Q_SLOTS:

  virtual void publier();
  virtual void outputVal(double val);

  int valeur;

} // namespace
#endif // rqt_mypkg_my_plugin_H

My cpp file file, my_plugin.cpp :

#include "rqt_mypkg/my_plugin.h"
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
#include "ros/ros.h"

#include <QStringList>
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <std_msgs/Int8.h>

namespace rqt_mypkg {

  : rqt_gui_cpp::Plugin()
  , widget_(0)
  // Constructor is called first before initPlugin function, needless to say.

  // give QObjects reasonable names

void MyPlugin::initPlugin(qt_gui_cpp::PluginContext& context)
  // access standalone command line arguments
  QStringList argv = context.argv();
  // create QWidget
  widget_ = new QWidget();
  // extend the widget with all attributes and children from UI file
  // add widget to the user interface

connect(ui_.m_hSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(outputVal(int)));

connect(ui_.m_bouton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(publier()));


void MyPlugin::outputVal (int val)
  value = val;

void MyPlugin::publier ()

 my_publisher_ = ros_node_handle_.advertise<std_msgs::Int8>("chatter", 1000);
  if (ros::ok() && my_publisher_)
      // below it is to wait forsubscriber. Otherwise the first publication will not be heard by the subscriber. 
      ros::Rate poll_rate(100);
      while(my_publisher_.getNumSubscribers() == 0)

      // I create my message 
      std_msgs::Int8 msg; = value




void MyPlugin::shutdownPlugin()

void MyPlugin::saveSettings(qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings) const

void MyPlugin::restoreSettings(const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings)

} // namespace
PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS(rqt_mypkg, MyPlugin, rqt_mypkg::MyPlugin, rqt_gui_cpp::Plugin)

My ui file, my_plugin.ui :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ui version="4.0">
 <widget class="QWidget" name="MyPluginWidget">
  <property name="geometry">
  <property name="windowTitle">
  <widget class="QSlider" name="m_hSlider">
   <property name="geometry">
   <property name="orientation">
  <widget class="QLCDNumber" name="m_lcd">
   <property name="geometry">
  <widget class="QPushButton" name="m_bouton">
   <property name="geometry">
   <property name="text">
    <hint type="sourcelabel">
    <hint type="destinationlabel">

My subscriber file, receveur.cpp :

#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include "rqt_mypkg/my_plugin.h"
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int8.h>

void chatterCallback(const std_msgs::Int8 msg)
  ROS_INFO("I heard: [%d]",;

int main(int argc, char **argv)

  ros::init(argc, argv, "receveur");
  ros::NodeHandle ros_node_handle_;

 ros::Subscriber my_subscriber_ = ros_node_handle_.subscribe("chatter", 1000, chatterCallback);


  return 0;

I finally succeeded. Here are my different files, I hope it will help some users. users.

In fact I had to create a SLOT, in which one I put a publisher to send a message containing a value. This publisher is made in the same way than in the tutorial. tutorial. The subscriber is in another file and made following the tutorial too. In the cpp file my_plugin.cpp, you can add everything you want to design your Qt interface, like new signals, slots, layout...

The "outputVal(int)" SLOT is a SLOT that enables me to put the value of the cursor in a defined variable. This variable is charged in the message in the slot "publier()".

My header file :

#ifndef rqt_mypkg__my_plugin_H
#define rqt_mypkg__my_plugin_H

#include <rqt_gui_cpp/plugin.h>
#include <rqt_mypkg/ui_my_plugin.h>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QString>
#include <QList>

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include <std_msgs/Int8.h>

namespace rqt_mypkg {

class MyPlugin
  : public rqt_gui_cpp::Plugin
  virtual void initPlugin(qt_gui_cpp::PluginContext& context);
  virtual void shutdownPlugin();
  virtual void saveSettings(qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings) const;
  virtual void restoreSettings(const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings);

  // Comment in to signal that the plugin has a way to configure it
  //bool hasConfiguration() const;
  //void triggerConfiguration();

  Ui::MyPluginWidget ui_;
  QWidget* widget_;

  ros::NodeHandle ros_node_handle_;
  ros::Publisher my_publisher_;
  ros::Subscriber my_suscriber_;

public Q_SLOTS:

  virtual void publier();
  virtual void outputVal(double val);

  int valeur;

} // namespace
#endif // rqt_mypkg_my_plugin_H

My cpp file, my_plugin.cpp :

#include "rqt_mypkg/my_plugin.h"
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
#include "ros/ros.h"

#include <QStringList>
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <std_msgs/Int8.h>

namespace rqt_mypkg {

  : rqt_gui_cpp::Plugin()
  , widget_(0)
  // Constructor is called first before initPlugin function, needless to say.

  // give QObjects reasonable names

void MyPlugin::initPlugin(qt_gui_cpp::PluginContext& context)
  // access standalone command line arguments
  QStringList argv = context.argv();
  // create QWidget
  widget_ = new QWidget();
  // extend the widget with all attributes and children from UI file
  // add widget to the user interface

connect(ui_.m_hSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(outputVal(int)));

connect(ui_.m_bouton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(publier()));


void MyPlugin::outputVal (int val)
  value = val;

void MyPlugin::publier ()

 my_publisher_ = ros_node_handle_.advertise<std_msgs::Int8>("chatter", 1000);
  if (ros::ok() && my_publisher_)
      // below it is to wait forsubscriber. Otherwise the first publication will not be heard by the subscriber. 
      ros::Rate poll_rate(100);
      while(my_publisher_.getNumSubscribers() == 0)

      // I create my message 
      std_msgs::Int8 msg; = value




void MyPlugin::shutdownPlugin()

void MyPlugin::saveSettings(qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings) const

void MyPlugin::restoreSettings(const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings)

} // namespace
PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS(rqt_mypkg, MyPlugin, rqt_mypkg::MyPlugin, rqt_gui_cpp::Plugin)

My ui file, my_plugin.ui :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ui version="4.0">
 <widget class="QWidget" name="MyPluginWidget">
  <property name="geometry">
  <property name="windowTitle">
  <widget class="QSlider" name="m_hSlider">
   <property name="geometry">
   <property name="orientation">
  <widget class="QLCDNumber" name="m_lcd">
   <property name="geometry">
  <widget class="QPushButton" name="m_bouton">
   <property name="geometry">
   <property name="text">
    <hint type="sourcelabel">
    <hint type="destinationlabel">

My subscriber file, receveur.cpp :

#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include "rqt_mypkg/my_plugin.h"
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int8.h>

void chatterCallback(const std_msgs::Int8 msg)
  ROS_INFO("I heard: [%d]",;

int main(int argc, char **argv)

  ros::init(argc, argv, "receveur");
  ros::NodeHandle ros_node_handle_;

 ros::Subscriber my_subscriber_ = ros_node_handle_.subscribe("chatter", 1000, chatterCallback);


  return 0;

I finally succeeded. Here are my different files, I hope it will help some users.

In fact I had to create a SLOT, in which one I put a publisher to send a message containing a value. This publisher is made in the same way than in the tutorial. The subscriber is in another file and made following the tutorial too. In the cpp file my_plugin.cpp, you can add everything you want to design your Qt interface, like new signals, slots, layout...

The "outputVal(int)" SLOT is a SLOT that enables me to put the value of the cursor in a defined variable. This variable is charged in the message in the slot "publier()".

My header file :

#ifndef rqt_mypkg__my_plugin_H
#define rqt_mypkg__my_plugin_H

#include <rqt_gui_cpp/plugin.h>
#include <rqt_mypkg/ui_my_plugin.h>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QString>
#include <QList>

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include <std_msgs/Int8.h>

namespace rqt_mypkg {

class MyPlugin
  : public rqt_gui_cpp::Plugin
  virtual void initPlugin(qt_gui_cpp::PluginContext& context);
  virtual void shutdownPlugin();
  virtual void saveSettings(qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings) const;
  virtual void restoreSettings(const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings);

  // Comment in to signal that the plugin has a way to configure it
  //bool hasConfiguration() const;
  //void triggerConfiguration();

  Ui::MyPluginWidget ui_;
  QWidget* widget_;

  ros::NodeHandle ros_node_handle_;
  ros::Publisher my_publisher_;
  ros::Subscriber my_suscriber_;

public Q_SLOTS:

  virtual void publier();
  virtual void outputVal(double val);

  int valeur;

} // namespace
#endif // rqt_mypkg_my_plugin_H

My cpp file, my_plugin.cpp :

#include "rqt_mypkg/my_plugin.h"
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
#include "ros/ros.h"

#include <QStringList>
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <std_msgs/Int8.h>

namespace rqt_mypkg {

  : rqt_gui_cpp::Plugin()
  , widget_(0)
  // Constructor is called first before initPlugin function, needless to say.

  // give QObjects reasonable names

void MyPlugin::initPlugin(qt_gui_cpp::PluginContext& context)
  // access standalone command line arguments
  QStringList argv = context.argv();
  // create QWidget
  widget_ = new QWidget();
  // extend the widget with all attributes and children from UI file
  // add widget to the user interface

connect(ui_.m_hSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(outputVal(int)));

connect(ui_.m_bouton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(publier()));


void MyPlugin::outputVal (int val)
  value = val;

void MyPlugin::publier ()

 my_publisher_ = ros_node_handle_.advertise<std_msgs::Int8>("chatter", 1000);
  if (ros::ok() && my_publisher_)
      // below it is to wait forsubscriber. Otherwise the first publication will not be heard by the subscriber. 
      ros::Rate poll_rate(100);
      while(my_publisher_.getNumSubscribers() == 0)

      // I create my message 
      std_msgs::Int8 msg; = value




void MyPlugin::shutdownPlugin()

void MyPlugin::saveSettings(qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings) const

void MyPlugin::restoreSettings(const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings)

} // namespace
PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS(rqt_mypkg, MyPlugin, rqt_mypkg::MyPlugin, rqt_gui_cpp::Plugin)

My ui file, my_plugin.ui :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ui version="4.0">
 <widget class="QWidget" name="MyPluginWidget">
  <property name="geometry">
  <property name="windowTitle">
  <widget class="QSlider" name="m_hSlider">
   <property name="geometry">
   <property name="orientation">
  <widget class="QLCDNumber" name="m_lcd">
   <property name="geometry">
  <widget class="QPushButton" name="m_bouton">
   <property name="geometry">
   <property name="text">
    <hint type="sourcelabel">
    <hint type="destinationlabel">

My subscriber file, receveur.cpp :

#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include "rqt_mypkg/my_plugin.h"
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int8.h>

void chatterCallback(const std_msgs::Int8 msg)
  ROS_INFO("I heard: [%d]",;

int main(int argc, char **argv)

  ros::init(argc, argv, "receveur");
  ros::NodeHandle ros_node_handle_;

 ros::Subscriber my_subscriber_ = ros_node_handle_.subscribe("chatter", 1000, chatterCallback);


  return 0;

I finally succeeded. Here are my different files, I hope it will help some users.

In fact I had to create a SLOT, in which one I put a publisher to send a message containing a value. This publisher is made in the same way than in the tutorial. following the tutorial but there are differencies. The subscriber is in another file and made following the tutorial too. In the cpp file my_plugin.cpp, you can add everything you want to design your Qt interface, like new signals, slots, layout...

The "outputVal(int)" SLOT is a SLOT that enables me to put the value of the cursor in a defined variable. This variable is charged in the message in the slot "publier()".

My header file :

#ifndef rqt_mypkg__my_plugin_H
#define rqt_mypkg__my_plugin_H

#include <rqt_gui_cpp/plugin.h>
#include <rqt_mypkg/ui_my_plugin.h>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QString>
#include <QList>

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include <std_msgs/Int8.h>

namespace rqt_mypkg {

class MyPlugin
  : public rqt_gui_cpp::Plugin
  virtual void initPlugin(qt_gui_cpp::PluginContext& context);
  virtual void shutdownPlugin();
  virtual void saveSettings(qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings) const;
  virtual void restoreSettings(const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings);

  // Comment in to signal that the plugin has a way to configure it
  //bool hasConfiguration() const;
  //void triggerConfiguration();

  Ui::MyPluginWidget ui_;
  QWidget* widget_;

  ros::NodeHandle ros_node_handle_;
  ros::Publisher my_publisher_;
  ros::Subscriber my_suscriber_;

public Q_SLOTS:

  virtual void publier();
  virtual void outputVal(double val);

  int value;

} // namespace
#endif // rqt_mypkg_my_plugin_H

My cpp file, my_plugin.cpp :

#include "rqt_mypkg/my_plugin.h"
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
#include "ros/ros.h"

#include <QStringList>
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <std_msgs/Int8.h>

namespace rqt_mypkg {

  : rqt_gui_cpp::Plugin()
  , widget_(0)
  // Constructor is called first before initPlugin function, needless to say.

  // give QObjects reasonable names

void MyPlugin::initPlugin(qt_gui_cpp::PluginContext& context)
  // access standalone command line arguments
  QStringList argv = context.argv();
  // create QWidget
  widget_ = new QWidget();
  // extend the widget with all attributes and children from UI file
  // add widget to the user interface

connect(ui_.m_hSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(outputVal(int)));

connect(ui_.m_bouton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(publier()));


void MyPlugin::outputVal (int val)
  value = val;

void MyPlugin::publier ()

 my_publisher_ = ros_node_handle_.advertise<std_msgs::Int8>("chatter", 1000);
  if (ros::ok() && my_publisher_)
      // below it is to wait forsubscriber. Otherwise the first publication will not be heard by the subscriber. 
      ros::Rate poll_rate(100);
      while(my_publisher_.getNumSubscribers() == 0)

      // I create my message 
      std_msgs::Int8 msg; = value




void MyPlugin::shutdownPlugin()

void MyPlugin::saveSettings(qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings) const

void MyPlugin::restoreSettings(const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& plugin_settings, const qt_gui_cpp::Settings& instance_settings)

} // namespace
PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS(rqt_mypkg, MyPlugin, rqt_mypkg::MyPlugin, rqt_gui_cpp::Plugin)

My ui file, my_plugin.ui :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ui version="4.0">
 <widget class="QWidget" name="MyPluginWidget">
  <property name="geometry">
  <property name="windowTitle">
  <widget class="QSlider" name="m_hSlider">
   <property name="geometry">
   <property name="orientation">
  <widget class="QLCDNumber" name="m_lcd">
   <property name="geometry">
  <widget class="QPushButton" name="m_bouton">
   <property name="geometry">
   <property name="text">
    <hint type="sourcelabel">
    <hint type="destinationlabel">

My subscriber file, receveur.cpp :

#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include "rqt_mypkg/my_plugin.h"
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int8.h>

void chatterCallback(const std_msgs::Int8 msg)
  ROS_INFO("I heard: [%d]",;

int main(int argc, char **argv)

  ros::init(argc, argv, "receveur");
  ros::NodeHandle ros_node_handle_;

 ros::Subscriber my_subscriber_ = ros_node_handle_.subscribe("chatter", 1000, chatterCallback);


  return 0;