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1 | initial version |
Hello, what kind of robot platform do you use? This is currently not easily done, as the Operator and Navigator communicate via a non-standard topic. Of course you can always replace both nodes with any other navigation solution (e.g. move_base).
However, if your robot platform is able to turn in place, the Operator should make use of this motion. If your robot gets stuck in corners, this is possible due to wrong parameter settings of robot_radius in Operator and Navigator. The Navigator should have a slightly larger value then the Operator.
2 | No.2 Revision |
Hello, what kind of robot platform do you use? This is currently not easily done, as the Operator and Navigator communicate via a non-standard topic. Of course you can always replace both nodes with any other navigation solution (e.g. move_base).
However, if your robot platform is able to turn in place, the Operator should make use of this motion. If your robot gets stuck in corners, this is possible due to wrong parameter settings of robot_radius in Operator and Navigator. The Navigator should have a slightly larger value then than the Operator.