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For the next time, please try to ind the relevant lines where the error is detailed. From your post, we only see there is an error.

However, there are several problems with your CMakeLists.txt.

You need to tell the compiler where to find the headers you include. So adapt the following lines in your CMakeLists.txt from:




But I guess you will also need to add the library source file to the add_executable call, so:

add_executable(rovstate src/rovstate.cpp src/

For the next time, please try to ind find the relevant lines where the error is detailed. From your post, we only see there is an error.

However, there are several problems with your CMakeLists.txt.

You need to tell the compiler where to find the headers you include. So adapt the following lines in your CMakeLists.txt from:




But I guess you will also need to add the library source file to the add_executable call, so:

add_executable(rovstate src/rovstate.cpp src/