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What you describe sounds like behaviour modelling, which can be done with either an hierarchical state machine (HSM), or a behaviour tree. While it can be done by starting and stopping different nodes, I'd say that a HSM which coordinates the activation of nodes would be much simpler.

What you describe sounds like behaviour modelling, which can be done with either an hierarchical state machine (HSM), (HSM) for instance, or a behaviour tree. While it can be done by starting and stopping different nodes, I'd say that a HSM which coordinates the activation of nodes would be much simpler.

What you describe sounds like behaviour modelling, which can be done with an hierarchical state machine (HSM) for instance, or a behaviour tree. While it can be done by starting and stopping different nodes, I'd say that a HSM which coordinates the activation of nodes would be much simpler.


Thank you @gvdhoorn i just googled HSM + ROS and came up with SMACH. just to be clear is that the kind of approach that you are suggesting for this job?

SMACH is indeed the go-to HSM implementation in ROS. But there are probably many more.

For behaviour trees specifically, see for instance (unfinished).

For all sorts of behaviour modeling tools, see wiki/decision_making.

These are just examples, I don't necessarily particularly recommend any of these.