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I'm not sure, but I don't think its usually the case that manipulators expose a geometry_msgs/Twist interface. So i'd go for your option 3.

Most of the planners ROS uses out-of-the-box generate plans in joint space, so a trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory interface would seem like a logical thing to have. You can probably look at some other implementations for inspiration.

I'm not sure, but I don't think its usually the case that manipulators expose a geometry_msgs/Twist interface. So i'd go for your option 3.

Most of the planners ROS uses out-of-the-box generate plans in joint space, so a trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory interface would seem like a logical thing to have. You can probably look at some other implementations for inspiration.

Edit: if you're starting from scratch: be sure to take a look at ros_control, and for arms/manipulators, the joint_trajectory_controller. Could save you a lot of work.