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The fatal error:
(!depthOrRightImage.empty() && _fx>0.0f && _fyOrBaseline>0.0f && _cx>=0.0f && _cy>=0.0f) not met!
tells that the right image is empty, the focal lenght is null or the baseline is null. Things to check:
$ rqt_image_view /stereo_camera/right/image_rect
$ rostopic echo /stereo_camera/left/camera_info header: seq: 1384 stamp: secs: 1415737789 nsecs: 373433828 frame_id: stereo_camera height: 480 width: 640 distortion_model: plumb_bob D: [-0.344858300062205, 0.131731614744127, -0.00032220157418798, -0.000178643627395838, 0.0] K: [520.84106910681, 0.0, 320.207922533597, 0.0, 520.652683004955, 251.69140630101, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] R: [0.999977409119708, -0.00542294021453702, -0.00397151981806852, 0.00542696944573559, 0.999984769417176, 0.00100445821860056, 0.00396601221263954, -0.00102598884371095, 0.999991609011807] P: [487.608731712861, 0.0, 318.1162109375, 0.0, 0.0, 487.608731712861, 249.44425201416, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] binning_x: 1 binning_y: 1 roi: x_offset: 0 y_offset: 0 height: 480 width: 640 do_rectify: False $ rostopic echo /stereo_camera/right/camera_info header: seq: 2740 stamp: secs: 1415737874 nsecs: 113634825 frame_id: stereo_camera height: 480 width: 640 distortion_model: plumb_bob D: [-0.350198880846778, 0.143262162037345, -0.000540958577710845, -0.000386869942974346, 0.0] K: [525.042672813, 0.0, 315.778978739153, 0.0, 524.605377865008, 246.116481979902, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] R: [0.999991166299663, -0.00384047779504094, 0.00170823094047773, 0.00384221006573169, 0.999992106658553, -0.00101194980141688, -0.0017043310860856, 0.0010185042442697, 0.999998028950384] P: [487.608731712861, 0.0, 318.1162109375, -58.3626989865376, 0.0, 487.608731712861, 249.44425201416, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] binning_x: 1 binning_y: 1 roi: x_offset: 0 y_offset: 0 height: 480 width: 640 do_rectify: False
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The fatal error:
(!depthOrRightImage.empty() && _fx>0.0f && _fyOrBaseline>0.0f && _cx>=0.0f && _cy>=0.0f) not met!
tells that the right image is empty, the focal lenght length is null or the baseline is null. Things to check:
$ rqt_image_view /stereo_camera/right/image_rect
$ rostopic echo /stereo_camera/left/camera_info header: seq: 1384 stamp: secs: 1415737789 nsecs: 373433828 frame_id: stereo_camera height: 480 width: 640 distortion_model: plumb_bob D: [-0.344858300062205, 0.131731614744127, -0.00032220157418798, -0.000178643627395838, 0.0] K: [520.84106910681, 0.0, 320.207922533597, 0.0, 520.652683004955, 251.69140630101, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] R: [0.999977409119708, -0.00542294021453702, -0.00397151981806852, 0.00542696944573559, 0.999984769417176, 0.00100445821860056, 0.00396601221263954, -0.00102598884371095, 0.999991609011807] P: [487.608731712861, 0.0, 318.1162109375, 0.0, 0.0, 487.608731712861, 249.44425201416, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] binning_x: 1 binning_y: 1 roi: x_offset: 0 y_offset: 0 height: 480 width: 640 do_rectify: False $ rostopic echo /stereo_camera/right/camera_info header: seq: 2740 stamp: secs: 1415737874 nsecs: 113634825 frame_id: stereo_camera height: 480 width: 640 distortion_model: plumb_bob D: [-0.350198880846778, 0.143262162037345, -0.000540958577710845, -0.000386869942974346, 0.0] K: [525.042672813, 0.0, 315.778978739153, 0.0, 524.605377865008, 246.116481979902, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] R: [0.999991166299663, -0.00384047779504094, 0.00170823094047773, 0.00384221006573169, 0.999992106658553, -0.00101194980141688, -0.0017043310860856, 0.0010185042442697, 0.999998028950384] P: [487.608731712861, 0.0, 318.1162109375, -58.3626989865376, 0.0, 487.608731712861, 249.44425201416, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] binning_x: 1 binning_y: 1 roi: x_offset: 0 y_offset: 0 height: 480 width: 640 do_rectify: False