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1 | initial version |
The website captures some of our high level design thoughts, but we (the team at OSRF) found it difficult to have efficient conversations based on such abstract topics. So we'll continue to update the design website as things coalesce, but right now we're working on a first release of ROS 2 which, while not complete, will provide a better foundation on which we can iterate and discuss things with the community. The idea being that since ROS 2 does not disrupt ROS 1 users, it will provide the freedom needed to try new things and find what works and what doesn't work more easily.
Right now (May 2015) we're focused on the ROS Jade release, but there will be more information about ROS 2 after we finish the Jade release. The original plan was to release with Jade, but that's too much work for our small team, so we're handling Jade first then the first version of ROS 2.
In the mean time, there is the prototype itself:
Which you can build and have a look at, though you should keep in mind it is not polished at all and is changing quickly, so it's not suitable for general use yet.
Also there is the ROS next generation sig mailing list where some topics have been had, and is where we will continue to discuss things in the future:
We're also working hard to get better test coverage across more platforms from the beginning, so that when we start to implement these ideas we can have them working from the get go. You can see "batch" CI jobs which build all of our ROS 2 stuff on different platforms (note these urls will likely break, please comment if they do, and I'll try to update them):
We hope to add more CI for Android and embedded systems in the future, while the system is still small and simple.