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1 | initial version |
hi, i thought about something like:
do -- catkin_create_pkg display_test roscpp rviz -- add display_test.cpp file into folder /src -- un-comment add_library lines in CMakeLists.txt and add your new source.cpp file to it -- add #include <pluginlib class_list_macros.h=""> PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS( display_test::FloboticsFingerForcePlotDisplay, rviz::Display ) at the end of your .cpp file -- create a class which inherits from rviz::Display
goto catkin_ws and run catkin_make, then run "rosrun rviz rviz" and add your panel.
something like that. flo
2 | No.2 Revision |
i thought about something like:got the answer and tried to post the files and minimal stuff, but this style of answering is so strange to me and makes so much senseless work, that i dont do it, sorry, a mailinglist would be much better. simply copy stuff into email and send.
-- catkin_create_pkg display_test roscpp rviz
-- add display_test.cpp file into folder /src
-- un-comment add_library lines in CMakeLists.txt and add your new source.cpp file to it
-- add #include <pluginlib class_list_macros.h="">
PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS( display_test::FloboticsFingerForcePlotDisplay, rviz::Display ) at the end of your .cpp file
-- create a class which inherits from rviz::Display
goto catkin_ws and run catkin_make, then run "rosrun rviz rviz" and add your panel.
something like that. flo