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1 | initial version |
The rviz Global Options | Fixed Frame is set to base_link or the equivalent for your robot? If you set it to map and then don't see the robot properly then there needs to be something that publishes a transform between map and base_link. You can 'cheat' and get the position from /gazebo/model_states and then publish it as a transform. The more realistic thing to do is implement odometry and have that publish the transform from there, though it will deviate from gazebo absolute position after a while (just as it would in real life).
2 | No.2 Revision |
The rviz Global Options | Fixed Frame is set to base_link or the equivalent for your robot? If you set it to map and then don't see the robot properly then there needs to be something that publishes a transform between map and base_link.
You can 'cheat' and get the position from /gazebo/model_states and then publish it as a transform. The more realistic thing to do is implement odometry and have that publish the transform from there, though it will deviate from gazebo absolute position after a while (just as it would in real life).