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As a general note, the best source for Stage details is github, but it's embedded in stageros doesn't publish this information. The condition is identified in

You could modify stageros.cpp to detect when a model is stalled (collisions) and to publish a message on a topic.

As a final note, you could also just evaluate the /robot_X/odom message and compare the observed velocity to the intended velocity of the robot. (Compare the embedded twist message to the twist command that you issued.)

As a general note, the best source for Stage details is github, but it's embedded in stageros doesn't publish this information. The condition is identified in

You could modify stageros.cpp to detect when a model is stalled (collisions) and to publish a message on a topic.

As a final note, you could also just evaluate the /robot_X/odom message and compare the observed velocity to the intended velocity of the robot. (Compare the embedded twist message to the twist command that you issued.)

As a general note, the best source for Stage details is github, but it's embedded in stageros doesn't publish this information. The condition is identified in

You could modify stageros.cpp to detect when a model is stalled (collisions) and to publish a message on a topic.

As a final note, you could also just evaluate the /robot_X/odom message and compare the observed velocity to the intended velocity of the robot. (Compare the embedded twist message to the twist command that you issued.)