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GMapping is actually only responsible for map generation, so if you already have generated a map, that should not have anything to do with your problem.
For localization i guess you use AMCL? You can check if you are correctly localized by visualizing your laser scans (if you use laser) and check if the alignment with the map is correct. The "Pose Estimation" is only an initial guess for AMCL localization, so this should not be a problem...
If it is, the problem is probably caused by the planner. You can visualize the plan of the global planner in RVIZ and check if it is correct. In your case of a "trembling" i would probably guess that your problem is caused by the local planner... you should first check if you local planner receives the laser scans, odometry information and pose. Using rxgraph, you can check if the topics are correctly connected. If everything is fine, you can use rxconsole and set the logger-levels of each node (one after another) to "Debug" to check for error messages...
Can you also provide some more information about you robot/sensors/map?