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I have found that these problems go away if I don't use rosrun to create MyOrocosTypekit. So if I replace the •Created a ROS package a - d steps with

a. mkdir MyOrocosTypekit

b. create a MyOrocosTypekit/CMakeLists.txt file that contains

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6.3)
rosbuild_include(rtt_ros_integration GenerateRTTtypekit)

c. create a MyOrocosTypekit/manifest.xml file that contains

    <description brief="my typekit">
        This package contains my typekit
    <author>Unknown Author</author>
    <depend package="rtt" />
    <depend package="rtt_ros_integration"/>
    <depend package="MyRosPkg"/>
        <cpp cflags="-I${prefix}/include"/>

d. cmake ./ && make

Also makeing sure that when I create MyOrocosComponent that I include the modifier to get just component support -- rosrun ocl orocreate-pkg MyOrocosComp component

All of the error messages go away.