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initial version
  1. Since your base controller will subscribe to geometry_msgs/Twist messages on the cmd_vel topic, you should modify the teleop node to publish those messages. In particular, this means you should:
    1. Update the #include on line 2 to #include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
    2. Update line 35 so that it advertises geometry_msgs::Twist instead of turtlesim::Velocity
    3. Change the topic name on line 35 from turtle1/command_velocity to cmd_vel
  2. Update lines 44 to 47 so that they create a geometry_msgs::Twist vel and set vel.linear.x to your linear velocity, and vel.angular.z to your angular velocity.
  3. Since you're using messages from the sensor_msgs and geometry_msgs packages, you should depend on them in your package.xml and include them as components when you find_package catkin in your CMakeLists.txt.
  4. Yes, you can start this node from a launch file. The <node> tag for it would be:

    <node pkg="inga_teleop" type="inga_joy" name="inga_joy"/>