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Found the answer in some loosely related topics. I can't explain WHY this works, but it does.

You need to use a package finding .cmake module for ffmpeg. You can find one here:

https: //

After the find_package( ) for catkin, set the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH variable to where you put the FindFFMPEG.cmake file, assuming your project is "ardrone_2":


Then use find_package on FFMPEG:


The FindFFMPEG.cmake file sets the FFMPEG_LIBRARIES variable:


Setting the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH messes up the whatever directory cmake thinks it's in, so you need to specify absolute paths when you use add_executable( ), assuming your package is "ardrone_2":

add_executable(h264_decoder_node ${ardrone_2_SOURCE_DIR}/src/h264_decoder.cpp)

Then link using that variable:

target_link_libraries(h264_decoder_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${FFMPEG_LIBRARIES} swscale)

Found the answer in some loosely related topics. I can't explain WHY this works, but it does.

You need to use a package finding .cmake module for ffmpeg. You can find one here:

https: //

After the find_package( ) for catkin, set the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH variable to where you put the FindFFMPEG.cmake file, assuming your project is "ardrone_2":


Then use find_package on FFMPEG:


The FindFFMPEG.cmake file sets the FFMPEG_LIBRARIES variable:


Setting the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH messes up the whatever directory cmake thinks it's in, so you need to specify absolute paths when you use add_executable( ), assuming your package is "ardrone_2":

add_executable(h264_decoder_node ${ardrone_2_SOURCE_DIR}/src/h264_decoder.cpp)

Then link using that variable:

target_link_libraries(h264_decoder_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${FFMPEG_LIBRARIES} swscale)