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1 | initial version |
I have had a lot of success in talking to various serial and USB devices using a standard serial class that I wrote. You can find the serial class files at (in src/ and include/), along with how I use that class to communicate with a digital compass. You would need to find an API/SDK for your motor controller that tells you what commands and responses are available for your device. Then, you would need to write code to initialize your device, send appropriate commands to move the motors and read any responses.
2 | Minor clarification. |
I have had a lot of success in talking to various serial and USB devices using a standard serial class that I wrote. You can find the serial class files at (in src/ and include/), along with how I use that class to communicate with a digital compass. You would need to find an API/SDK for your motor controller that tells you what commands and responses are available for your device. Then, you would need to write code to initialize your device, send appropriate commands to move the motors and read any responses.
3 | Changed URL to reflect repository change. |
I have had a lot of success in talking to various serial and USB devices using a serial class that I wrote. You can find the serial class files at here (in src/ and include/), along with how I use that class to communicate with a digital compass. You would need to find an API/SDK for your motor controller that tells you what commands and responses are available for your device. Then, you would need to write code to initialize your device, send appropriate commands to move the motors and read any responses.