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I do call it base_link, just shortened it to link when typing the message. Sorry about the confusion. In rviz the fixed_frame is set to /odom but I see /base_link, /base_laser, /odom, and /map. Here is an image to what I see in rviz

Rviz display

This is what my tf tree looks like


I do call it base_link, just shortened it to link when typing the message. Sorry about the confusion. In rviz the fixed_frame is set to /odom but I see /base_link, /base_laser, /odom, and /map. Here is an image to what I see in rviz

Rviz display

This is what my tf tree looks like


I do call it base_link, just shortened it to link when typing the message. Sorry about the confusion. In rviz the fixed_frame is set to /odom but I see /base_link, /base_laser, /odom, and /map. Here is an image to what I see in rviz

This is what my tf tree looks like
