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Thank you for your fast reply! We where able to set the right video_mode in the past with our own libdc1394 driver and setting the video mode seems to work with camera1394, too. We have problem by getting the image in the right format out of the camera1394 nodlet.

Here a little snippet to make it more clear:

image_subscriber_ = node_handle.subscribe("image", 1, &Camera::imageCB, this);

void Camera::imageCB(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg)
    if(startParams->verbose>=3) cout << "New image received: "  << msg->height <<"x" << msg->width << endl;
    cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr cv_ptr;
    cv_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvShare(msg, enc::BGR8);
    cout << ".";

In sensor_msgs::encodings no string exists for yuv422 (see ros rep). So what whould be the right way ? Do we need a new encoding-string?