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Better late than never! I came across a similar issue and have implemented a convenient solution. Hopefully many more people can use it, as I find it to be very helpful!

How to use it?

Save the script shown below to a file named "". Put it in a scripts/ subfolder of your catkin package. Make it executable using chmod +x. And use it either through command line or a launch file. The scripts help (./ -h) is shown below:

This script can delay the launch of a roslaunch file
Place it in the 'scripts' folder of your catkin package
and make sure that the file is executable (chmod +x

Run it from command line:

Use: ./ [number of seconds to delay] [rospkg] [roslaunch file] [arguments (optional)]
Or: rosrun [yourpackage] [number of seconds to delay] [rospkg] [roslaunch file] [arguments (optional)]
Example: ./ 2 turtlebot_navigation amcl_demo.launch initial_pose_x:=17.0 initial_pose_y:=17.0

Or run it from another roslaunch file:

<arg name="initial_pose_y" default="17.0" />
  <node pkg="semantic_turtle_test" type="" 
    args="2 turtlebot_navigation amcl_demo.launch initial_pose_x:=17.0 initial_pose_y:=$(arg initial_pose_y)" 
    name="timed_roslaunch" output="screen">

The script or use this link.

# Script to delay the launch of a roslaunch file
# Koen Lekkerkerker
# Thu 24 Apr 2014 
# Use: ./ [number of seconds to delay] [rospkg] [roslaunch file]

function showHelp(){
    echo "This script can delay the launch of a roslaunch file"
    echo "Place it in the 'scripts' folder of your catkin package"
    echo "and make sure that the file is executable (chmod +x"
    echo "Run it from command line:"
    echo "Use: ./ [number of seconds to delay] [rospkg] [roslaunch file] [arguments (optional)]"
    echo "Or: rosrun [yourpackage] [number of seconds to delay] [rospkg] [roslaunch file] [arguments (optional)]"
    echo "Example: ./ 2 turtlebot_navigation amcl_demo.launch initial_pose_x:=17.0 initial_pose_y:=17.0"
    echo "Or run it from another roslaunch file:"
    echo '<launch>'
    echo '  <arg name="initial_pose_y" default="17.0" />'
    echo '  <node pkg="semantic_turtle_test" type=""'
    echo '    args="2 turtlebot_navigation amcl_demo.launch initial_pose_x:=17.0 initial_pose_y:=$(arg initial_pose_y)"'
    echo '    name="timed_roslaunch" output="screen">'
    echo '  </node>'
    echo '</launch>'

if [ "$1" = "-h" ]; then
    echo "start wait for $1 seconds"
    sleep $1
    echo "end wait for $1 seconds"
        echo "now running 'roslaunch $@'"
    roslaunch $@

Now why did I need it?

My problem was that when I have launch script to launch a fairly large project. Gazebo simulates a world with a simulated turtlebot and gmapping is used for mapping it. It seems that gazebo returns laser measurements before the whole world is spawn. The robot is in a corridor, but as the walls are spawned later than the laser, the first laser measurements give a full free circle. As gmapping already processed these measurements, gmapping incorrectly mapped this circle as free space.

See screenshot:

image description