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initial version

catkin_package(DEPENDS foo) only works if foo follows the recommendation to name its variables foo_INCLUDE_DIRS, foo_LIBRARIES etc.

OpenCV does not follow that recommendation. While the variable for include directories exists the variable containing the libraries is named OpenCV_LIBS.

You must therefore pass all individual variable manually since catkin can not infer them:


catkin_package(DEPENDS foo) only works if foo follows the recommendation to name its variables foo_INCLUDE_DIRS, foo_LIBRARIES etc.

OpenCV does not follow that recommendation. While the variable for include directories exists the variable containing the libraries is named OpenCV_LIBS.

You must therefore pass all individual variable manually since catkin can not infer them:



You should not use OpenCV_INSTALL_PATH to prefix your libraries but OpenCV_LIB_DIR since the former one is not available on Windows (please read the OpenCV-config.cmake for reference).

Furthermore if you only need a specific subset of OpenCV components you should only find them (rather than implicitly all). That is also one reason why creating a ROS package to only wrap the third-party dependency which already has a decent CMake config file might not make sense...

Anyway you should also avoid listing all libraries explicitly. Instead you can loop over all found libraries in OpenCV_LIBS and use find_library with the hint to search in OpenCV_LIB_DIR to actually resolve the exact library file.