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Reducing the laserscan width to the actual field of view of the Kinect resulted in a truncation of the laserscan points to either side when the Kinect is panned. Since laserscan_to_pointcloud is simulating a fixed mounted laser, when the Kinect is panned, the new ranges are stored in the extra vector space on either side and display properly in rviz.
It may be possible to pass a narrow laserscan over a wireless link and assemble the wider laserscan in a separate node on the remote computer, but the programming overhead is likely not worth saving the message overhead. The code to build up a fully filled out 180 degree scan from three panned 56 degree Kinect scans is complicated regardless. The simple answer may be to overlay three partially populated 180 degree scans, rather than work with three 56 degree scans
I am still interested in any comments regarding the relationship between the navigation stack components and laserscan geometry.