Installing ROS TF library into Raspberry (From Source)
Hi All,
My final goals are to:
install ROS Hydro on Raspberry Pi (Mod B) &&
learn how to install only those core packages that I need
(Due to limited computing resources on the Pi, I'll have to spread out some of my robot's processes across multiple Pi's; It doesn't really make sense for me to install and compile desktop-full versions on every Pi)
On my own, I've managed to:
get myself to a stage where I can run Hydro's "roscore" on the Pi; along with the utilities available in ROS-comm bare bones.
install and compile common_msgs
install and compile angles
sudo apt-get install eigen3-dev
clone in Mike Ferguson's neato packages. Expectedly, it doesn't run right because i do not yet have the TF library, which the node depends on.
My next step was to install "tf" from source. I cloned in the repo from . Then I realized that it relied on a lot of other packages (ie orocos_kdl, tf2, eigen3, angles). I've tried numerous quick and dirty hacks to get geometry to compile correctly but without good result.
What would the recommended workflow be to install TF from source on a Raspberry Pi? I'm hoping this workflow would be something that I can modify from to install other packages (ie SMACH, navigation)
Thanks for your time.
Asked by Lure_Angler on 2013-09-23 16:46:52 UTC
Did you ever find an answer to this? I am having the same problem.
Asked by jaymo3141 on 2016-03-01 22:56:13 UTC
You probably should install from source then delete the packages you don't need:
Asked by Void on 2019-09-27 12:01:41 UTC