how to open command line tool
Hi there,
i created my own robot with three moving groups and three end-effectors in moveit setup assitant. I am able to load the robot in RViz and to shift the end-effectors with the interactive tool. But i need to move all end-effectors at the same time to certain positions. I would like to write a python skript to do some path planning with the robot. I thougt the MoveIt Commander would be pretty good to solve my problem but i cannot open the command line tool. The tutorial says after typing $ rosrun moveitcommander should pop up the command line interface tool. But i only get [rosrun] Couldn`t find executable named below /opt/ros/groovy/share/moveitcommander
I hope someone can help me to solve that problem. Another question i have is if i can visualize the whole simulation in RViz or do i need to put my robot into Gazebo aswell?
Thanks for your help.
Asked by Tirgo on 2013-09-16 00:26:14 UTC
Moveit commander is a separate package. Check your system to see if it is installed. Otherwise it looks like a env path issue.
Asked by rnunziata on 2013-09-16 02:50:03 UTC
i did download the package. but while downloading it saved the .py file in /opt/ros/groovy/bin. I found it and now i am able to open the command line interface. my next problem is what kind of files can i open with the moveit_commander? I tried the sample code in a .py file but that did not work.
Asked by Tirgo on 2013-09-18 00:38:27 UTC