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Error building console_bridge while compiling Groovy from source

I've been working to build groovy desktop from source on RHEL 6.4 with limited success thus far. Ive been relying on the link:Fedora installation instructions for the most part.

After downloading the source and installing dependencies using rosdep, I am having an issue building the 'console_bridge' package.

Error message: "No rule to make target '/usr/lib64/lib64/', needed by '/home/username/roscatkinws/develisolated/consolebridge/lib/'"

The library exists in /usr/lib64, but there is no /usr/lib64/lib64. How do I specify to catkin to look in /usr/lib64 and no /usr/lib64/lib64?


Asked by mcnichjm on 2013-09-04 03:32:26 UTC



Good question. I had the same problem and found no good solution to configure the location.

To continue I made a workaround and created soft links to the libs in the correct places. No clean solution, but it worked.

Asked by dki on 2014-07-04 07:01:12 UTC
