turning laser check box on in rviz cause python fault
Turning laser check box on in rviz cause python fault. If I leave it off then the rivz if fine I can even use the map function and it shows the laser data mapping. But turn of the Laser check box and rviz goes down with the error below.
Laser Pose= -6.03836 1.0032 0.0265495
Registering Scans:Done
*** glibc detected *** python: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0bb29b00 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
[rqt_gui-1] process has died [pid 27971, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/hydro/lib/rqt_gui/rqt_gui __name:=rqt_gui __log:=/home/rnunziata/.ros/log/125624be-0d86-11e3-bbbe-000c29589865/rqt_gui-1.log].
log file: /home/rnunziata/.ros/log/125624be-0d86-11e3-bbbe-000c29589865/rqt_gui-1*.log
<gazebo reference="hokuyo_link">
<sensor type="ray" name="head_hokuyo_sensor">
<!-- Noise parameters based on published spec for Hokuyo laser
achieving "+-30mm" accuracy at range < 10m. A mean of 0.0m and
stddev of 0.01m will put 99.7% of samples within 0.03m of the true
reading. -->
<plugin name="gazebo_ros_head_hokuyo_controller" filename="libgazebo_ros_laser.so">
Asked by rnunziata on 2013-08-25 03:13:46 UTC
fixed after upgrade
Asked by rnunziata on 2013-09-11 02:06:19 UTC
what did you upgrade ? i have also similar problem.
Asked by fatihx on 2013-09-17 01:38:27 UTC
I was running hydro under VMWare at the time. All I did was a apt-get upgrade . Since then I have switched to a full dual boot. And that solved a lot of problems.
Asked by rnunziata on 2013-09-17 02:54:21 UTC