Fedora 18 - ROS Fuerte installation problem
I'm following the installation notes found on ros.org for Fedora - link
Last successful move:
rosinstall --catkin ~/ros-underlay http://ros.org/rosinstalls/fuerte-ros-full.rosinstall
Then the following:
cd ~/ros-underlay
mkdir build
cd build
The last command fails, noting that:
-- Could NOT find Boost
CMake Error at rospack/CMakeLists.txt:31 (message):
Couldn't find Boost
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
I've checked the CMakeList.txt in rospack, at line 31:
find_package(Boost 1.40.0 COMPONENTS system filesystem program_options)
if(NOT Boost_FOUND)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Couldn't find Boost")
I've noticed, that on my system - Fedora 18 x64 - the boost package is version 1.50.0. Replacing the numbers did not help. I've also tried to replace this code by a solution from stackoverflow:
IF (Boost_FOUND)
None of these worked.
Btw, is a full ROS install from source on Fedora a feasible task?
I've used 12.04 only for ROS, but I like Fedora better. It would be nice to have ROS working on this system.
Asked by Peter Roos on 2013-06-08 10:52:32 UTC